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IT for the Golden Age

The idea of this article came after a fantastic technical visit I made at the beginning of the month. During the visit, I remembered, among other things, the first time I used a computer, and I realized that it was at least thirty-three years ago; I'm aware of the number because I turned 40 this month. On Thursday, Sept 30th, I had the opportunity to meet and visit a beautiful woman who is 86 years old. She was having some issues with her computer and printer. A great friend took me there to help this lady set her printer and boost her PC.  The first thought I had was, "Wow, this is a challenge" I know very well what to do and how to fix things; But I just wanted to make it easier for this lady. I started to work, and during our conversation, I realized how exciting and clever a person she is; she commented about how the first computer occupied a whole room and how her beloved husband was involved in the space program.  Then, when I completed the fixes, I asked her to ...

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6 principios para el éxito en los negocios.

Tranquilo, está en la nube. ¿En la nube?, en las nubes me siento. ¿Qué es eso de la nube.?

Cuándo mejore todo, cuando vuelva la normalidad.